
Objective recap:
This module covered uploading and deploying a custom package via Jamf Pro, Jamf School, and Jamf Now.

Key locations referenced:
Jamf Pro >
Settings > Computer Management > Packages 
Jamf Pro > Computers > Policies
Jamf School > Apps > Inventory
Jamf Now > Apps > Add an App

If you have a test environment, practice with the tasks below for your Jamf product:
Upload and deploy a package with Jamf Pro:
Navigate to Settings > Computer Management > Packages.
2. Under Filename, click Choose File.
3. Select your package and click Upload.
4. Click Save.
5. Create a policy with the name, trigger, and execution frequency of your choice.
6. Add the Packages payload and choose the uploaded package.
7. Scope the policy to a test group and click Save.

Upload and deploy a package with Jamf School:
Navigate to Apps > Inventory.
2. Click Add App > Add In-House macOS Package.
3. Drag and drop your signed package.
4. Select the checkbox next to your package, then click Edit Scope.
5. Add a test group to the scope.
6. Click Save.

Upload and deploy a package with Jamf Now:
Navigate to Apps.
2. Click Add an App.
3. Click Upload your App.
4. Drag and drop your signed package, name it, then click Done.
5. Navigate to Blueprints.
6. Click a Blueprint of your choosing.
7. Click Apps.
8. Click Add Apps or Edit Apps.
9. Select the Install Automatically checkbox next to your package.
10. Click Save.

For review or further information:
Jamf Pro Documentation - Packages

Jamf School Documentation - Packages
Jamf School Documentation - In-House Content Distribution
Jamf Now Documentation - Building and Signing Mac Packages
Jamf Now Documentation - Deploying Mac Packages
Jamf - Obtaining an Installer Certificate from Apple
Jamf - Advanced Packaging
Jamf - Package Building
Apple - Apple Developer Program

Congratulations! You finished this module.